Hi, my name is

FrontEnd Developer/Engineer in Bucharest, Freelance, ReactJs


I build and design applications for the web.

I'm a software engineer based in Bucharest, Romania specializing in building and occasionally designing exceptional, high-quality websites and applications.

Get In Touch

01. About me . . .

Hello! I'm Andrei, a software engineer based in Bucharest, Romania who enjoys building things that live on the internet. I develop exceptional websites and web apps that provide intuitive, user interfaces with efficient and modern backends.

During my university years at University Politehnica of Bucharest I joined a startup ( Beagle.ai ) and started developing mainly my frontend skills. After that, I worked on a variety of other projects during which I learned more technologies but in the same time I stayed loyal to my frontend passion.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:


JavaScript (ES6+)
















02.Where I've Worked . . .

Senior FrontEnd Engineer @ Freelancing

Feb 2021 - Present

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    Lead and coordinate an agile development team in building a modern OPA (one page application) for a US client, AARP one of the largest non-profit organizations in the US

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    Hands on development and unit testing of highly efficient and reusable components and pages

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    Assisting and consulting for optimal planning and decision making inside the team

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    Used technologies like ,React, GraphQl, Typescript and WebWorkers

FrontEnd UI/UX engineer and designer @ AIPSS

Nov 2019 - Feb 2021

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    Developed and designed a Digital Town Hall/Public Institution web application using ReactJs, Redux and Material-Ui

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    The application is designed for public servants inside institutions but also for citizenz/public persons, it is ​fully responsive​ and ​modernly designed

Software Engineer @ Metro Systems

Aug 2018 - Nov 2019

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    Write modern, performant, maintainable code for a diverse array of internal projects

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    Work with a variety of different languages, platforms, frameworks, and content management systems such as JavaScript, Jest, React, ​NodeJs​, and Express

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    Communicate with multi-disciplinary teams of engineers, designers and architects on a daily basis

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    Front-End developer​ for a store management application using ReactJs​, ​Redux​, ​Jest, SASS and REST​

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    Full Stack JavaScript​ ​deveoper​ for an application used internaly by HR department (​NodeJs​, ​ReactJs​, ​Redux, MySQL, REST​)

Front-End UI/UX developer​ and designer @ Beagle.ai

Jun 2016 - Jul 2018

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    Developed and maintained code for in-house web applications primarily using ReactJs, Flux, HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript

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    Designed UI/UX elements and pages for in-house web applications

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    Communicate remotely with team of engineers and business analysts on a daily basis

03.Some things I've helped building . . .



AARP Money Map is a free online tool designed to help you get trough unplanned expenses, to handle your debts, build a budget and more financial tools for every day use.

It's dedicated for everyone and it's a great tool to get yourself financially educated.

Javascrip(ES6) | ReactJs | QraphQl | TypeScript |LESS


E-primariaTa.ro is an application created specifically to meet the needs of city halls from Romania and the citizens they serve.

The product includes both functionalities that make efficient the activity of the city halls officials, as well as new channels and simplified procedures for interaction between citizens and mayors.


Javascrip(ES6) | ReactJs | Redux | Material-Ui |SASS | REST



Beagle has been architected as an artificial intelligence (AI) platform for semantics that helps decision-makers understand what they are reading and how it relates to their company.

Beagle is trained by the users to know the critical compliance elements they are looking for. It then provides the guidance and the information to the decision maker to ensure they are following the rules.

This leads to better corporate compliance, reduced risk and higher quality employee engagement.

Javascrip(ES6) | ReactJs | Redux | Bootstrap | SASS | REST


BeOnTime is a solution that offers real time routing suggestions for public transport, relevant analytics data, smart targeted marketing.

Therefore, it improves waiting time, passenger flow and overall quality of public transport.


Javascrip(ES6) | ReactJs | Redux | Python | Flusk | REST

04.What's next ? . . .

Get In Touch

I'm currently active looking for new oportunities and projects to work on.
Whether for a potential project or just to say hi, my inbox is allways open !
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